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Preserving Our
Unique Community
for the Future
Attention BCA Members and Neighbors!
Next week (Thursday, May 19th, 2016) we will be holding our monthly meeting for the Buckingham Community Association. Commissioner Frank Mann will be attending to update us on what’s going on within the district. This will also be a good time for any of you to ask questions you might have about the process.
This is your chance to meet the commissioner face to face and discuss any issue you have. The meeting will be held at 6pm Thursday May 19th at the mosquito control district located at:
15191 Homestead Rd Lehigh Acres, FL 33971
Please forward this to each of your neighbors.
Much appreciated,
TJ Cannamela
Training Center in the Mosquito Control Office:
15191 Homestead Road (off Buckingham Rd)
Lehigh Acres, FL 33971
Directions: Go all the way to the end of Homestead until you reach a guard shack. Let the guard know you are there for the Buckingham Community Association meeting the guards will point out where to park and the location of the facility.
A Letter from TJ, President BCA
January 6, 2016
Hello all –
I want to thank all who attended the zoning meeting this morning! Although it was not necessary to come, several members chose to see the process in action. As I reported to you at our last meeting, we reached an agreement with the applicant. This agreement went before the BOCC and was approved by a 3-1 vote (one commissioner being absent).
Mr. Cecil Pendergrass was the only commissioner to vote in our favor. It saddens me that our own commissioner Mr. Frank Mann voted against us. Had Mr. Mann voted with Mr. Pendergrass it would have been a tie vote, causing the application to be denied.
The 20/20 application is still pending and I will send a reminder out before the January 14th meeting. This meeting will take place at 5:00pm at 1500 Monroe Street. Please attend if you can.
This fight was long and hard and although the outcome is not pleasing to everyone, we fought a good fight and in the end we reduced the density considerably.
Take care and I look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting,
TJ Cannamela
Buckingham Community Association
The BCA is your community funded volunteer organization that represents the interest of Buckingham residents. They meet monthly on the third Thursday at the Mosquito Control- located at 15191 Homestead Rd, Lehigh Acres, FL 33971. BCA has hired an attorney to help protect against attempts by the county to change the character of Buckingham.
Currently BCA is fighting two county proposals. BCA needs your financial support and your presence at county meetings
1. The Bentley Crossing Development is attempting to obtain a zoning change so that they can put between 200 to 400 housing units and a large block of retail stores near the corner of Gunnery and Buckingham Road. The negative impact of this proposal on the character of the community and the increased traffic on Buckingham Road is significant and unreasonable. It is being done under the guise of “Mixed Housing” but there are serious questions about the site meeting numerous requirements.
2. County staff has recommended realigning Buckingham Road so that it is NO longer a thruway. They want it to become a “T” into Gunnery Road. This will mean all Buckingham traffic will have to stop at Gunnery. The developer has agreed to pay for a portion of the intersection and receive tax credits to offset…….so we pay in the long run.